Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baked Goods

Next time you're baking bread or cookies or something special like that, double the batch and give the extra to someone who has been on your mind lately. (Maybe me? JK!)


Haley said...

As I am reading this, I just pulled a batch of Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies out of the oven! How ironic! Too bad you are so far away!

Dana said...

Karen, you are so sweet. I would make you some treats if I didn't live on the other side of the ocean. This is a good idea. This may sound silly, but sometimes I'm scared to make things for people, or reach out to them in any way. I'm not scared because of my ability to cook, but the actual presenting a gift to them. This is dumb right? It seems strange to me here that all of our neighbors stay in their house and keep the blinds down. It's give a "stay away" impression. I guess I should just break the silence and be kind.

Unknown said...

Good idea! I'm gonna try that :)

Seth and Karen's blog said...

Haley, I just have one thing to say to you...DON'T TEMPT ME!

Dana, you're so sweet to want to think of me like that. I guess I should bake me up some treats and eat them, all the while appeasing my conscience by reaffirming that these "technically" were from Dana! :) But seriously, I do know the feeling of being awkward and stepping out of your comfort zone to do something like that to others. I've often been paralyzed from doing good because of that! I'm always concerned I am being a bother or intruding or something. But then I try to reverse the situation and I realize if it were me I'd be so blessed even if it did happen to come at an inconvenient time.

And as for "elisa", I don't know if you are Lisi Forshey or Elisa Abele! Whatever the case, though, should I send you my address or expect you for tea? :)