Saturday, October 17, 2009

Let's Make a Date!

My sister and I were chatting the other day and she shared with me her desire to surprise her husband with an unexpected date. This would be a big deal for her since she has an itty-bitty one and has yet to find a babysitter. I thought this was love in action! To take the giant step of finding a qualified babysitter and surprise your husband with a romantic date would be a big deal. Why don't we all try to do that! Let's plan a time, set up a babysitter and when our husband comes back from work, surprise him. Be dressed up, have things prepared, maybe even lay out his outfit for the evening out! Make reservations, or just wing it, but make it fun!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Need to be Needed

Yesterday, my husband came up and hugged me and told me how much he needed me. I was so blessed by that! It was so sincere and heart-felt! I never consciously thought how nice it would be for him to tell me that, but it was so special. I didn't realize how important it was for me to know that.

I often will roll my eyes when I've made a stupid mistake that Seth will catch and then remark how much I need him. But when he genuinely told me that yesterday, I was struck with how important it is that each spouse hears and feels this and how little I've sincerely said it to Seth. I think it is especially important to hear if the other spouse is very capable and independent. Sometimes I think Seth could manage just fine without me and probably do a better job in many respects! So, it's nice to hear it... just a thought!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am so electronically challenged. How in the world do I change that post "Love Languages"? It is in different colors! And I think I deleted the comment!

In the Mood

As you prepare in the evening for your husband after the children are down, try to not overlook your emotions. As you wash off and freshen up, give all those burdens up. Give those things that are worrying you to God, forgive that insensitive comment made by a loved one, forget about the burnt dinner or fussy children and don't think twice about your flabby thighs or "pouchy" stomach. Wash all those thoughts from your mind and replace them with grateful, joyful ones towards the Lord and romantic, loving ones towards your husband. You can't fake sexy; you will only be it if you feel it. The evening will go much better and your husband will be blessed with a happy, receptive wife.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Edifying with Scripture

When we were growing up, my mother constantly encouraged and corrected us using scripture. Every negative action was reproved and an applicable scripture was given to back it up. Simple scriptures such as, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "love one another", "whatsoever you do, do it with all your heart as unto the Lord" and many, many more Words were constantly flowing from my mother's mouth. It was so effective because, you may feel like arguing with your mother, but who can argue with God? Plus, we unconsciously memorized these and began to apply them without being reminded!

It was such a normal thing in our house that I have been shocked at how many Christian parents don't do this with their children. It seems so obvious! That being said, I am surprised I don't do it enough. I find myself correcting and not giving a scriptural application. Sometimes I have to look up a scripture that will work because I may not have it memorized myself. Sometimes I can't even think of a scripture that might fit, but then I pray and am led to one! We try to memorize them together and then I try to remind the children of it whenever the need arises again.

So, recently I have been thinking that I need to get back into the habit of applying scripture to my children's lives. I hope this helps other mothers. I think it also plants a seed for the child to eventually see the "law of God" and realize he can't keep it and then realize his need for a Savior in the future. The Word does say the law is our schoolmaster.

"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Heb. 4:12

Love Languages

Monday, October 12, 2009

Husband first

Having babies can put a temporary hold on who gets your primary attention - especially when they are newborns. However, as babies grow and become less needy I've found I continue to place their needs and wants ahead of my husband's, even when it is no longer necessary. I am trying to reprogram my mindset to realize the children can wait and I need to place my husband's needs and wants as foremost in my service to my family.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lunch Surprise!

Do you pack your husband's lunch sometimes/often? Add an exciting, romantic note for him to find while he's munching. It's a lot of fun to send Seth off to work with a kiss and a twinkle my eye knowing there is something even more special for him to find later on!