Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Edifying with Scripture

When we were growing up, my mother constantly encouraged and corrected us using scripture. Every negative action was reproved and an applicable scripture was given to back it up. Simple scriptures such as, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "love one another", "whatsoever you do, do it with all your heart as unto the Lord" and many, many more Words were constantly flowing from my mother's mouth. It was so effective because, you may feel like arguing with your mother, but who can argue with God? Plus, we unconsciously memorized these and began to apply them without being reminded!

It was such a normal thing in our house that I have been shocked at how many Christian parents don't do this with their children. It seems so obvious! That being said, I am surprised I don't do it enough. I find myself correcting and not giving a scriptural application. Sometimes I have to look up a scripture that will work because I may not have it memorized myself. Sometimes I can't even think of a scripture that might fit, but then I pray and am led to one! We try to memorize them together and then I try to remind the children of it whenever the need arises again.

So, recently I have been thinking that I need to get back into the habit of applying scripture to my children's lives. I hope this helps other mothers. I think it also plants a seed for the child to eventually see the "law of God" and realize he can't keep it and then realize his need for a Savior in the future. The Word does say the law is our schoolmaster.

"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Heb. 4:12


Life With Five Girls said...

I like this idea a lot!

lislynn said...

This is SUCH a good reminder! It can give so much more weight to our words when we remind our children that the instruction is coming from the Lord, not just Mama or Daddy.

Denise said...

I've seen in my friends' houses, a type of "calendar" they tape up in the bathrooms/child's room... It's from Ginger Plowman's "Wise Words for Mom's". It's $4, and I intend to buy it to help me do just what you're saying! FWIW, a summary says:

Wise Words for Moms identifies 22 behavior problems in children (such as disobeying, lying and tattling) and offers examples of Scripture passages that help parents address heart issues.
"Wise Words for Moms is an answer to one of the most frequently asked questions, 'How can I find the passages of Scripture that will enable me to address heart issues?' Ginger Plowman has identified themes of response we find in our children and located passages of Scripture that will help address heart issues in richly biblical ways. This book will encourage your study of Scripture and application of God's Truth to your correction, discipline, and motivation of your kids."

Seth and Karen's blog said...


Thank you so much for sharing that! I'm so excited about that material I want to purchase it. What a great tip!

Love you!!!!