Thursday, October 15, 2009

In the Mood

As you prepare in the evening for your husband after the children are down, try to not overlook your emotions. As you wash off and freshen up, give all those burdens up. Give those things that are worrying you to God, forgive that insensitive comment made by a loved one, forget about the burnt dinner or fussy children and don't think twice about your flabby thighs or "pouchy" stomach. Wash all those thoughts from your mind and replace them with grateful, joyful ones towards the Lord and romantic, loving ones towards your husband. You can't fake sexy; you will only be it if you feel it. The evening will go much better and your husband will be blessed with a happy, receptive wife.


Denise said...

How true this is!!! But it's really hard to put this into practice!!! I find myself very burdened and having a hard time to let it go....

As far as the "sexy" thing... Yeah, especially post-baby, we see so many trouble areas. But our husbands just love us and have a God-given desire for us. It's right that we respond to that and not idolize what we think we should look like. Hooray for your saying this!

Seth and Karen's blog said...

It really can be difficult to let certain things go. I find myself sometimes obsessing over the way my body looks. It helps to find the right lingerie that works, too. (Like ones that cover my stomach! :) If you have any advice, let me know!

Love you!