Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good morning, Sunshine!

This post is inspired by Dana's recent entry on her blog. Thanks Dana!

Whether you're a morning person or not, be sure to greet your husband and children warmly in the mornings. You don't have to be super cheerful (that'd probably be annoying to some) but a smile followed by a plesant greeting and a sweet kiss can set the day off right for everybody. (uh, after your teeth are brushed :)

I used to greet my oldest daughter sweetly in the morning, but when my second daughter came along my firstborn (ever the earlybird) would rise waay too early and come wake me up happy and LOUD. I found myself replying with a grumpy, "Shhh, don't wake Shiona!" Poor little sunshine! Seth pointed it out to me one morning and after that I made an effort to smile and quietly tell her good morning and be quite! We actually established a little tradition of quietly readng together in the mornings before anyone else was up. I look back at those times snuggling on the couch and reading short stories or Bible lessons with special fondness!


Susannah Forshey said...

I have noticed that Violet's entire DAY improves (attitude-wise, obedience-wise) when I begin the day with one-on-one attention with her. We just began a tradition that I hope I can keep even after Ben returns and we have 2 little ones, of cuddling in bed to read her picture bible together. I hope that this tradition carries over for her into adulthood, establishing a desire for quiet time with the Lord in the mornings.

Seth and Karen's blog said...


I've noticed the same thing with my children, especially with Katrina when she was younger. It just seems to make them happier and feel more connected with me.

That is such a sweet tradition you are starting with Violet. I know it will help keep you two close even when baby comes along!

Denise said...

Thank you, mothers who have children older than I have! I want to tuck these little nuggets of truth away. I am not a morning person, and like to "ease into" my mornings, but that's not always realistic. I've seen that even toward my husband (chipper, morning person that he is), it makes a difference if I make an effort. And by effort, I mean at least a smile! Not my *grumble,grumble* to his cheerful joking at 6am! :)

I know a few moms that tell their children to cuddle up to them on the couch and read quietly or just snuggle with a toy while they have their quiet times. I hope I can do what you guys are saying and/or this as well.

Dana said...

I start my day with my children by singing to them. I am a horrible singer but they don't seem to mind. I go in their room around 0615 and sit on a little box and start singing to them. After a couple minutes they start stirring and waking up is SOOO much more peaceful than if I go in turn all the lights on and start shaking them. As far as my husband goes...we are working on that. Waking myself up is usually difficult and trying to take the time to be gentle with someone else is hard.

lislynn said...

Waking up is sooo hard.... We tried the morning cuddle, but my kids wake up like a rocket's been shot off under them. The "cuddle" lasts all of about three minutes before it turns into wrestling. So now we send them to their books for a little while and then bring them into our bed for wrestling once we're "awake".

Seth and Karen's blog said...

All this ideas are so precious and special and unique to each family and their needs. How beautiful! I hope nobody got the wrong impression from me that I still do the "cuddling" in the mornings with Katrina. I wish I did, but with a baby now, she usually will wake up to find me nursing Michael in the glider then we proceed to make breakfast together. Sometimes she'll wake me with a "Mommy, I'm hungry." I usually reply, "I'll be out in a few minutes." :)

Catherine said...

My mom always woke us up by switching on the lights and singing, "Rise and shine and give God the glory" very loudly. This was always a little irksome to me and I preferred her to come in quietly without turning on the lights. Of course, as she pointed out, I was more likely to fall asleep again this way. But we all like to be woken up differently. :)

Seth and Karen's blog said...

That's quite funny, Catherine. I think we all like to be woken up differently, but I don't think many people appreciate super cheerfulness or enthusiasm - or loudness! :)