Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Heart of Her Husband

Proverbs 31 talks of the virtuous woman. It says the heart of her husband trusts in her. I've always loved that passage, even before I was married. However, after 6 years of marriage, I still don't think my husband can always trust in me. Not like I share secrets or spend his hard-earned money thoughtlessly, but I am extremely forgetful. Also, I am the queen of procrastination. These two character flaws can create a very unreliable wife! My husband is always patient and kind with me, but I cannot always be trusted to get things done. If I don't put his requests first and make his priorities my priorities, things don't get done and he has to check up on me. I want so badly to come to the place where I can say confidently the heart of my husband does trust in me. It is something I have always worked on and will continue to tackle.


Catherine said...

The part about forgetfulness really spoke to me. I myself have a really huge problem with forgetfulness and while I used to feel it is something I "just can't help" I have come to realize that most of my forgetfulness is rooted in selfishness. I don't "forget" fun things that I want to do, only the things mom or dad asks me to do. I'm still not quite sure how to conquer this forgetfulness though...

Seth and Karen's blog said...


I so agree with you that my forgetfulness is rooted in selfishness. And how true that we don't forget things that are beneficial or fun for us! I think the first step to conquering this is by acknowledging it is a flaw and not excusing it, like you've noted. I love making lists and I find that I forget a lot less if I write things down immediately and consult my list throughout the day. Thanks so much for your insight!


Denise said...

I have to say, I never thought of this Scripture this way! SO GOOD!!!

I found myself in our first year of marriage doing this a LOT. I considered Jonathan's requests very lightly. When I finally was able to see them the way I viewed Dad's requests of Mom's (as something she would/should give attention to instantly), it helped change my actions...

Speaking of, he asked me to make a call. So I'm getting off the computer to do that! :)

Dana said...

Wow, you opened up a new view on the Proverbs 31 woman. I have always viewed the Verse: "her husband's heart doth safely trust in her..." as he doesn't worry about her being foolish, ie wasting money, being unfaithful, irresponsible with her children. I never thought of it as her being such a help to him that he doesn't worry about anything that he has entrusted her to take care of. What an awesome example and what an awesome witness to others or to our husbands.

Seth and Karen's blog said...


I always remember you were the first to jump up and get Daddy whatever he needed/wanted when we were younger. You set a great example for how children should respond to their parents and now how wives should respond to their husbands.